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Ready to Birth

Ready to birth is a comprehensive birth course designed to inform you, fill you with confidence and importantly EXCITE you for the birth of your baby.

Using evidence-based information, this self-paced course will help you to understand your body, and what is happening during labour, provide you with practical tools to work with pain and keep calm, along with partner support tools. Gain knowledge on the common interventions and know your options when making an informed decision. Plus, so much more!



What you will gain from this course...

Stop & start when you please & dive into learning about


  • Labour & birth physiology 

  • The hormones of labour & working with your body

  • Mindset, breathing tools, massage

  • Movement & creating space in your pelvis 

  • Potential interventions (induction of labour, assisted birth, unplanned caesarean section)

  • Making informed choices & knowing what questions to ask

  • Birth partner support role with practical tools

  • Non-pharmacological & pharmacological pain relief options

  • When to go to hospital & setting up your birth environment

  • Meeting your baby & after birth care

  • Plus so much more!!

Birth does not need to feel overwhelming; you can absolutely do this and I'm going to be right there with you as you prepare to welcome your baby. In each module I will walk you through, boosting your confidence with knowledge and providing you with practical tools to navigate each stage of labour. 

hospital birth, woman in labour, birth support, water birth, partner support, childbirth, birth education

12 months Access!

With instant access wherever you go

When you sign up you will receive 12 months of access to Ready to Birth that includes all audio, video guides and lifetime downloadable resources.

INVESTMENT, Ready to Birth is an investment of $99 giving you access to 3 hours of recorded audio, video demonstrations, graphics and downloads to empower you and your birth partner for the arrival of your baby.

I'm Vanessa, 

Your Birth Educator inside READY TO BIRTH

As someone who has birthed three times and taught hundreds of couples preparing to birth, I have compiled all my knowledge, along with birthing wisdom to help empower, excite and give you confidence to birth. 


A positive birth experience no matter how or where you birth is possible!

birth educator, hypnobirthing educator, doula

We can't control birth, but we can control how prepared we are...

Empower yourself with evidence-based information and feel confident going into your birth

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